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Your Choice for A Better You Tomorrow!

Our treatment services are tailored toward developing long-term solutions for the problems experienced by our clients. With the love and support of your family, and loved ones, we work to support the treat of your addiction by understanding the cause behind it. We do everything in our power to help you succeed in breaking the cycle of addiction, and know that with the right kind of help, everyone is capable of healing.

Contact us to change your life for the better.

Our Services: Services
Inpatient Drug Abuse Treatment


Healthy Recovery

The success of an individual's chosen outpatient treatment for drug addiction requires the support of an entire community. At Cape Fear Health & Wellness, we understand the heartache and pains of addiction and the strength that can be gained from successful treatment.  We specialize in counseling services and medication-assisted treatment with a team of local health care providers and licensed counselors.

One on One Feedback


Responsible Care

We have partnered with several counselors who are passionate about person-centered care. Our clinic will assist you in finding a licensed counselor who fits your specific needs and are designed to meet their physical, emotional, and social necessities. Our therapist ensure patient confidentiality, patient compliance, assistance with mental health concerns and relapse prevention.

Visit the following to learn more:

Forest Trees

Confidential and Comprehensive

Your personal history and circumstances make your addiction unique to you. The substance abuse treatment service our clinic offered is tailored for you and your addiction, and focuses on educating you and making you strong enough - in mind and body - to be well. We will be with you every step of the way, motivating you and helping you to see that you are never alone in this tough journey.

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